The WHOIS service for .si domains allows anyone to obtain basic information about the domain, domain holder, technical contact and registrar with whom the domain holder has registered the domain. If the holder is a natural person, only the contact email address will be disclosed as part of the data of the holder. A natural person may disclose more information at his own discretion.
Registry .si provides data on the .si domain holder to third parties if there are justified reasons for disclosing the data, such as exercising legal rights or using the procedure for alternative domain name dispute resolution (ADR), which is conducted and administered by us.
If you wish to obtain information that is not publicly available, you must request disclosure of the information, along with your information and the reasons why you believe you have the right to access third-party information. You can send us a substantiated request by email to or by regular mail to: Register .si, Tehnološki park 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Some of the most common examples of disclosure requests for valid reasons:
- the trademark owner wants to identify the domain holder in order to file a complaint in the ADR procedure;
- a lawyer representing a client in exercising his intellectual property right;
- a supervisory authority or court requesting information on the domain holder while performing its legal duties.
We provide personal data related to the registration of domains under .si to third parties only for the reasons specified in Item 11.6 of the General conditions for registration of domains under the .si top-level domain. We do not provide data on .si domain holders to external third parties for the purposes of direct marketing or promotion of offers or services for our users.